Why a Pre-K class at Liberty?
Liberty Christian's main mission is to partner with parents in providing a Christian education for their child. Currently, most children attend school before the required Kindergarten age. We strive to make it convenient for parents to be able to start their child in Pre-K at Liberty which creates a congruent educational base and a smooth transition into Kindergarten. By attending Pre-K at Liberty, we find the students to be much more prepared for our strong academic program than if they attend a preschool elsewhere.
Who may attend Pre-K at Liberty?
Liberty's Pre-K class is open to children who are four years of age (by September 1) and older. Some exceptions may be made for younger children, but a meeting and evaluation by the administration will need to be conducted. Because our Pre-K tends to be more academic than other preschools, we find that children younger than four years old have a harder time adapting to the classroom structure. If your child is younger than four years old but you would still like them attend the Pre-K class, please contact the office.
What type of curriculum is used for the Pre-K program?
Liberty strives to keep the curriculum cohesive throughout their entire time at the school, thus the Abeka Kindergarten Age 4 curriculum program is used. This program combines the essential, age appropriate play, games and activities along with the essential academic learning that will prepare them for Kindergarten.
In Pre-K, they will learn:
Their vowels and consonants along with the short and long sounds.
To sound one- and two-vowel words phonetically along with combining them with a consonant
To read short sentences and stories
To capitalize the first word of a sentence, and place a period at the end.
Good writing posture, proper pencil hold, and slanted paper position
Correct letter placement and formation
To write their first name
To write 26 lowercase letters and 12 capital letters
To write blends and one-vowel words
To memorize 22 poems, 4 finger plays, and 12 nursery rhymes including actions and motions
To gain confidence performing in front of an audience
Increased comprehension through questions that encourage listening and thinking skills
Vocabulary enrichment such as understanding and producing rhyming words and opposite words
The building blocks of learning numbers through object counting
Recognize numbers and concepts 1–20
Observation, listening, and motor skills through counting sounds and counting while clapping, jumping, hopping
To count by ones to 100
Add 1 to 1–9 using concrete objects
Recognize shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle
For a full overview of the Pre-K curriculum, please use link below:
What day and time options are available for Pre-K students?
Our Pre-K program is Monday-Friday from 8:00am - 1150.
What is the dress code for Pre-K?
One of the fundamental purposes of school is to provide the foundation for developing a proper attitude toward education. In order to implement this, it is essential to create and maintain an effective teaching learning environment. Student attire impacts the teaching and learning environment. It can either promote a more effective educational environment, or it can disrupt the educational climate and process.
Please view full Dress Code in the Parent Handbook below.
What are the class sizes for Pre-K?
Our Pre-K classes typically range from five to fifteen(max) students. We like to keep the class numbers small to insure that each child is given the best experience at whatever level they enter our program.
How do I know if my child is ready for Pre-K?
Great question! This is just one of the many tough decisions that parents face in the early years of their child's life. The decision of when (or if) to send your child to preschool is one to think and pray about. Since there is no one-size-fits-all checklist, we have given you a few suggestions below to help you in deciding if your child is ready for pre-k here at Liberty.
To start, your child must be at least 4 years of age by Sept. 1 of that school year. (exceptions apply) If your child is on the younger side, some of these tips may be helpful when deciding to put them in preschool this year or next.
Readiness Signs:
Child is not overly anxious about leaving you
Child is okay with moderate to high levels of stimulation
Child should also be able to take care of basic needs, like washing hands after painting and eating without assistance.
Is able to concentrate and focus on an individual task
Is ready for group activities such as "circle time"
Has the physical stamina to handle moving from one activity to another, playing at recess, doing art projects, and to focus on academics
How can I help get my child ready to enter Pre-K?
Work on building anticipation rather than anxiety. Introduce them to the idea of preschool because when children know what to expect, they feel more secure.
In the year leading up to preschool, visit the classroom. It is best if children can see the classroom and meet the teacher.
Get your child to have a positive attitude about preschool by talking to them about what it is like - what they will do, the friends they will meet, and how fun it will be.
Let your child help you get things ready! Let them help pack their backpack and choose a snack.
Start pointing out letters and numbers on streets and buildings, and shapes and colors in architecture. The more you talk to and read to your child, the more vocabulary they are learning.
Help your child to become more self-sufficient by teaching them how to do things such as; brush their own hair, put on their own pants, button buttons and zip zippers. Self-confidence is key. If they know how to do some things on their own, they will feel accomplished, confident and comfortable going into this big new world.