liberty christian school capital campaign

what people are saying about the campaign
Our children attended Liberty Christian and now 10 of our grandchildren have attended. They got a wonderful faith-based education and did very well in college. We decided to commit to donating to this campaign because it is so important for our grandchildren to have this faith-based education.
—Mary Harri, Grandparent
At Liberty Christian, there’s a culture you encounter the moment you walk in the door. Everyone is family. Every situation is met with a Biblical worldview. Everyone is loved equally.
—Nicole Ruiz, Teacher and Coach
It’s not just about teaching history or math or science – it’s also about shaping their entire worldview – the way they see themselves, other people and the world around them. That’s one of the key reasons we chose Liberty Christian.
—Daniel and Kristen Hallak, Parents
We want our students to develop a personal relationship with Jesus and to have a strong academic background, so when they leave, they have confidence, character, leadership skills and a firmly rooted faith.
—John Tuttle, Principal
What we’re all about here is being deeply rooted. Investing in Liberty Christian is something that will last for a long time, and it’s way bigger than ourselves. It’s about investing in future generations.
—Cami Panther, Parent