liberty christian school capital campaign


what people are saying about the campaign

We are living in challenging times. As our society continues to move farther away from traditional Christian values, young people are increasingly challenged to abandon or compromise their faith and embrace a secular lifestyle. 

More and more families are turning to Christian education across the nation. The same is true in the Walla Walla Valley and surrounding communities as families seek options beyond public and secular private education.


Deeply Rooted Campaign

If Liberty is to meet the growing demand for Christian education then we must have a permanent location allowing us to educate students, expand our classroom space, maintain a safe learning environment and upgrade our technology.

Liberty Christian is at an exciting and vital crossroads. After significant due diligence and waiting for God’s perfect timing, an agreement has been reached to purchase six acres of land and all of the buildings on the historic school property.

Property Purchased for - $2,600,000

Believing for $450,000 to pay off loan

$2,600,000 was paid.

Artist’s rendering of possible future entry area

Artist’s rendering of possible future Liberty Christian School


Find out about the latest Campaign updates!


Please make checks payable to:
 Liberty Christian School—Deeply Rooted Campaign
Mail to:
3172 Peppers Bridge Road, Walla Walla, WA 99362

Contact Jackie Bafus at 509-525-5082 for gifts of stock and appreciated assets

Thank you to our generous donors!

Susan and Fred Hawkins Joyce Williams Jessica Krueger Vickie and Grady Shaver Curtis Long

Pat and Orletta Evoniuk Judy Hart Julie Freeman Amy LeFore Daniel Ojcius

David and Cami Panther Jim Harold Steve VanAusdle Gary and Colleen Rahn David and Charlotte Paine

Jason and Anna Spence Linda Felipez Leslie Sesser Matt and Jessie Lyon Matt Hellberg

James and Mary Harri Dave Knowles John and Sally Tuttle Nathan and Michele Breithaupt Kay Peters

Sarah and Rick Herrera Bob Johns Bev Sams Nicole and Shane McCauley Entellic Corporate

Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Family Life Educational Ministry Anonymous

James T. Harold Joshua Reyes Annie Newton Amanda Calvert Ted and Lynda Bren

Robert McKinney Harmon Family Cindy Acosta Diane and Gerwyn Jones, Jr. Karen Leitner

Lorne Blackman Kevin Freeman Fred and Lori Linda Felipez Ernie Filan

Lester Filan Mari Robinson Mardi Hagerman Theodore Richerzhagen Nancy Reiff

Retha McGowan Matt and Shannon Hoehna Jordan Breithaupt Christine Miller

Kathy Small Adele Goss Kelly Nelson Diana Rodriguez Tracey Smith

Clara Pritchard Joel and Aimee Roberts Brandon Smith Amanda Rhodes

Lloyd and Denelle Johnson Nat Kodep Steve and Eileen Davis Megan Schoessler

Jordan Pies Tamara Tucker Lynnsey Bailey Life Church Walla Walla